PM LAB helps women who survive breast cancer to regain femininity.

Specialists of PM LABORATORY center are involved not only in permanent make-up, but also the big part of their work are so-called paramedical procedures: camouflage of vitiligo, stretch marks, scars of various origin. Special pigments used for paramedical procedures are selected in accordance with the skin color, so it becomes possible to simply paint over the problem areas and make them visually invisible.

Micropigmentation is a high-precision artistic procedure, something that is similar to tattooing, with which you can create three-dimensional realistic drawings on the body. The practice of helping cancer patients is rather spread among the masters of micropigmentation. One of the problems that this procedure solves is the absence of a breast areola after mastectomy (removal of the breast after cancer). The breast along with the nipple is removed, then an implant is placed in the place of the absent breast. But here "to return" a nipple is not possible any more, therefore the micropigmentation becomes the remarkable decision.

The painted areola is very similar to the real one. The procedure is carried out in several stages and the final result can be obtained in a few months. It is possible to restore one or both areolas.

On its own initiative, the PMC has decided to conduct such procedures free of charge. We are happy to help everyone who needs this procedure and invite anyone for a consultation with our masters.

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PM LAB helps women who survive breast cancer to regain femininity.
PM LAB helps women who survive breast cancer to regain femininity.