It's not a secret that micropigmentation has gone beyond average permanent makeup. Micropigmentation specialist's service may replace make-up services, a doctor, or even a plastic surgeon. Now, thanks to features of high precision of the equipment, especially specific dyes and new techniques of work, a lot has become possible.
The problem of dark circles (bruises) under the eyes makes life complicated. The need to camouflage constantly with special concealer tiring and time consuming. Without concealer you look tired and even older than your age. The presence of dark circles can be attributed to genetic predisposition, hyper-pigmentation, disease or overwork. Always consult your doctor to determine the cause of the problem. But
camouflage technique will help to

fight visible defects.
ark circles cfmouflage is done in several stages. Very bright pigment is applied to dark areas in several light layers. After healing a bright pigment reflects light and dark pigmentation become less noticeable.
  • Procedure is suitable both for women and men
  • It is a painless procedure that takes 1hour in average
  • For best results achievment several procedures with an interval of six weeks are required  (three treatments in average)
  • Healing takes place quickly and in about a week. Slight redness and peeling might appear.
  • Its better to do the procedure on not tanned skin in order to match real skin tone
  • Afterwards, you can sunbathe, but we recommend using an eye cream that contains sun protection factor
  • The effect of the procedure is kept unchanged almost forewer
  • Before the procedure is necessary to consult with a specialist of micropigmentation center
Dark circles camouflage 500 EUR
(three treatments are included)
Additional cerrection (if necessary) 50 EUR